Wednesday, March 14, 2012

my 10k

I am on week 5 of my 10k training program. I decided to run a 10k because I have done 3 5ks and I felt like I wasn't pushing myself anymore.

No worries, I am pushing myself to the limit now. I ran 3.5 miles 2 weeks in a row and I have never ran longer than 3.1 miles (a 5k). Saturdays are my long run days & this Saturday is 4 miles. I am scared, nervous, etc. However, it is the best feeling when I get done and realize what I have just accomplished!!!

My friend Melissa is doing it with me and we are running buddies in different states. :) Somehow it works for us and we run at the same pace & motivate each other from afar. Its really funny too because we somehow usually always run at the same time every time. Its quite hilarious.

I veered slightly from my 6 day a week training program last week when Meme passed away and I am trying to get back on it. Its a really good program that lets you rest when you need it. Mondays I do Arms & Abs (rest my legs), Tuesday I run the specified miles (usually 2-3 miles) on the treadmill and then workout my legs and abs, Wednesday I just do abs because I usually can't make it to the Y, Thursdays I run outside for the specified  miles (usually 2 or 2.5 miles), Fridays I rest, Saturdays are my long run days (this coming Saturday is 4 miles), and Sundays I ride the bike at the gym for 35-45 minutes.

It has been a good program, and has definitely pushed me. I am scared about how the next few Saturdays will go but I know its all in my head. I CAN do this, and I will. And when I cross that finish line on April 7th after 6.2 miles, I will feel so accomplished.

I teach my babies everyday at school about goals, and this is my goal. And I will reach it!


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