Tuesday, March 20, 2012

4 miles!

Thats right, I am 2/3 way through my 10k training program. I completed 4 miles on Saturday in 41 minutes! I am not worrying about the time it takes me to complete this 10k because I have never done one before so my goal is to run the whole time & finish. Thats all. :)

I have never ran more than 3.1 miles before this training program & on Saturday I did 4 miles! And yes I am bragging about it because thats how proud of myself I am. I have NEVER been a runner, so this is quite an accomplishment!

I was quite nervous before running the 4 miles because the 2 weeks prior, I have had to run 3.5 & they were not that fun, and I actually got sick after one of the runs. I felt awful for like 24 hours after that run and I did not want it to happen again. I seriously have to watch what I eat on my long run days & have to make myself chug water the whole day so I have a good run and feel good after it as well!

This 4 miles felt better than any other run! I cruised right through it & felt great after! I am hoping my next long run (4.5) will be the same!

For today, its off to run 3 miles on the treadmill & do some abs!

Oh, and I am THOROUGHLY enjoying my Spring Break, don't worry! I have slept in, laid out, and been on 2 lunch dates! :)

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