Ramblings of a teacher, wife, and mama to our yellow lab, Emma.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sweet Aubrey!
Last Saturday was my niece, Aubrey's 1st birthday! I cannot believe she is already 1! I feel like I saw more of her "infant" stage than I did with Luke because they lived in Auburn when Luke was a baby. I enjoyed seeing her so much throughout her first year! She is such a sassy little girl. Always wanting you to pay attention to her! I love that she was a cuddler when she was a baby because I LOVEEE to snuggle! Luke was wayyy too "on the go" all the time to sit with you and love on you. Aubrey loved to snug with ya when she was a baby. I loved it! She lovesss her momma and is always watching her big brother! Luke is a great big brother (well, most of the time...sometimes he likes to head butt her or drive his trucks over her...haha)! Anyways, I love being an aunt to Luke and Aubrey and am so blessed that they only live 45 minutes away so I get to see them alot! The way Luke says "hey Kafeen" or "Kafeen, come sit. Right here" or "Kafeen, play cars wif me"....it just melts my heart! I cannot wait for Aubrey to start talking! Aubrey melts my heart when she smiles at me....she has this ADORABLE smile where she squints her nose and shows all of her teeth, it is just the CUTEST thing ever! I love you sweet Aubrey and I am so blessed to be your Aunt Kat!
Here are some pictures from Aubrey's 1st year followed by some pictures from her party.... _________________________________________________________
Christen did a Strawberry theme for her party. She had a Strawberry dress on, with Strawverry clips in her pigtails. Christen made Strawberry and peanut butter sandwhiches, had chocolate covered strawberries, strawberry lemonade, and homemade icecream with strawberry toppings! The cake was red velvet cake pops with pink chocolate icing and the cake pops looked like strawberries!
Luke & Aubrey are so blessed to have such a sweet Aunt! Aubrey can't wait to drink out of her new sippy cup!