Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sick :(

please pray for me. i have been sick lately and teaching is pretty much the worst job ever when you feel bad. my poor kids...i know i have been grumpy but i tried to explain to them today that i felt bad and for them to think about how they feel when they are sick and thats how i felt! anyways, i went to the dr yesterday and im waiting for some lab work to come back so hopefully we'll figure out what is wrong....the dr said it could be a stomach ulcer.

my parents and sister are coming saturday and i CANNOT wait to see them. my mom is the only person i want to see when i am sick. i am still such a baby. i cried today when i heard her voice. something about your mommy is comforting when you are sick.

so, anyone know how to upload videos? i really wanna post that one of luke from sunday! help!

so i have become completely obsessed with praying for this little girl from arizona who has brain cancer. she is so beautiful and she is only 5 years old. They found out in June that she has brain cancer when they went in for hand tremors. I usually look at her caringbridge site at least once a day to find updates about her situation. She is about to start her 3rd round of chemo, which they say can be the most difficult. I dont have kids so i do not know what it is like, but from what other people say, the love for your children is so deep. i can only imagine. what i cant imagine is what it would be like to watch your 5 year old child die of cancer. her chemo has been working so far and her tumor has shrunk so that is good! i have been praying for her and i really want you to as well! her parents are so desperate for people to pray for their daughter. thankfully, they are believers so they have hope that God will heal their daughter. i really can't imagine what it would be like to go through that kind of pain and not have a relationship with God. anyways, here is her website...please pray for her! her name is kate. I know i dont know her, but she is so precious, i just cant not look at her website and pray for her. she was supposed to go to kindergarten this year....hits me close to home. please please pray for her!!!!!

2 more days til the weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Uploading videos: when you're on the screen to write a new blog post click on the "add video" button (it's right next to the "add image" button), then you just browse the files on your computer and find the video you want to upload. You can also put your video on U-Tube then upload it, but I don't know how to do that. It usually takes a while to upload a video, but you can continue writing a post while the video is uploading.
