Monday, June 18, 2012

Nana and Poppy

Dad and I went to visit Nana and Poppy yesterday for Father's Day. They (along with my Meme and Uncle Stu) are buried in a cemetery in town that I drive by everyday. I can't drive by without looking over and thinking about all of them. We were passing it yesterday on the way home from lunch and dad mentioned stopping so he could see his dad's grave and of course I agreed! Nana and Poppy are buried near Meme and Uncle Stu & he asked if I wanted to go see Meme's grave but I thought it was too soon, I don't know if I'm ready yet so I said no.

There were beautiful flowers on Nana and Poppy's grave and that made me smile. We only stayed a few minutes but it was nice to go.

It's been over a year since Nana passed away and I really can't believe it's been that long since I hugged her neck.

It's been 12 years since Poppy passed away and it makes me sad that I can barely hear his voice anymore. It fades from my memory with every year that passes. I can however still feel his sweet kisses on my cheek! :) He have one of a kind kisses!

Thank you lord for blessing me with such wonderful grandparents!!!

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