Monday, November 4, 2013

1 mile down...

My running buddy Melissa and I have decided to do another half marathon together!! We are going to do the Mercedes again in February!! I am pretty excited but I haven't run outside since August so I have got to get back in the groove! I ran outside on Saturday and it felt pretty good. I absolutely loving running in the fall! It's so pretty and feels amazing outside. 

I made my own training program & am pretty much doing an extra mile each weekend until race day. There are a few weeks I only bumped it up a half a mile because I had a few extra weeks. I am going to continue working out 3-4 days a week at the gym like I have already been doing. Strength training will help with my runs on the weekends!!

Crossing that finish line back in February was the best feeling ever and I can't wait to accomplish it again! Hopefully beating my time last year too. :) 

I'm also going to do #55milesinnovember with @hausofgirls on Instagram! I took a break in August & September and didn't record it in October (even though I probably met the 48 mile goal from running on the treadmill at the gym) so I'm excited to jump back into these challenges! 

What goals are you planning for the next few months?


  1. Yay for Mercedes!! What is your goal time this year?

    1. I was at 2:17 last year so my goal is just to beat that time! :) my goal last year was to finish the race on my feet and not crawling across the finish line..ha!!!
