Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve!!! We are driving back to GA right now, as we do every year after a long day of Christmases with both sides of our family. I also have to add Ty's sweet family in now! We went to 3 different houses today to spend time with loved ones. We are so blessed to have such great families!! It was a full day of running around but I would change a second of it! Love making memories and carrying on traditions!

This was the first Christmas without both my grandmothers. My nana passed away in May and my Meme is in a nursing home battling Dementia. It was very weird without them & made my heart sad. I wanted to go visit meme in the nursing home & go with my dad to Nana's grave but the hustle & bustle of the day prevented me from going. I am so very blessed I got 23 Christmases with both of them & will hold tight to my sweet memories of those special times with them.

I hope your family has a VERY Merry Christmas!! Remember what this season is about...Jesus!!!

Here is a picture of Ty and I this morning! Merry Christmas Friends!

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