Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whoever THINKS....

that teaching is a 7-3 job is beyond wrong.....I would love to hear the meaning behind that lie while I'm sitting here at 7:41 writing lesson plans....oh and that is after I stayed at school til 5, then went to the store to get stuff for my classroom. Only to come home at 5:30 to start writing my lesson plans and grade papers at 6.....


Can ya tell I'm ready for the weekend? :)

On the bright side, I get to wear jeans with a pink shirt tomorrow (only after paying $5) to support breast cancer. My school only does casual (jeans) Friday on the last Friday of every month and you HAVE to wear a shirt with our school name on it. Well, the shirts we ordered back in August just came in, so therefore I have not worn jeans to school yet. Last year we had casual Friday every Friday, and it was something I looked forward to every week! So, this is a big deal to me. Oh, and I'm supporting an AMAZING cause. What a horrible disease. :(

Happy Friday Eve everyone!

I'll leave you with a cute picture from last weekend when we went to the Corn Maize with Melissa and Matt....

I love him! And I love Fall!!!

Oh yes, and of course....Roll Tide Roll~! I still love my tide even though we were defeated last weekend! This weekend is homecoming so it should be fun!! :) RTR


  1. Girlfriend, I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever actually taught would never say it's a 7-3 job. I think the voice in your head told you that when you happily oblivious to reality during those "I-just-want-to-graduate" years=) Ha! Keep plugging away. I'm sure you'll be the teacher every kid talks about as a favorite when they grow up=)

  2. Hope you have a nice, restful weekend! Great picture of you and Ty!
